Shixanik varsh 2020-21 mate shalao ma Diwali vacation niyat karva babat.
Diwali Vacation Paripatra 2020-21 for Primary schools | Dipavli Vacation Niyat Karva Babat
Vacation play staff need to clarify the duration of the Diwali vacation. In this regard, as per every year, as per the approval of the Government received on the file regarding fixing the duration of Diwali vacation for the vacation staff in the schools, in the academic year 2020-21, the Diwali vacation in the schools will be 21 days from 29/10/2020 to 18/11/2020. Which will be implemented in all secondary and higher secondary schools accredited by the Gujarat Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education. Separate instruction will be given from now on regarding the semester examination to be taken in the school.The Gujarat Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education prepares a school activity calendar every year. In which the prescribed vacation date is applicable in all the secondary and higher secondary schools recognized by the Gujarat Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education. Due to the prevailing situation of ongoing GOVID-19, the Gujarat Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education has not been able to fix the school activity calendar.
Circular about Diwali Vacation dates for primary school teachers.