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Maths Puzzle With Answer 3 | Maths Koyda Ukel 3

Maths Puzzle With Answer 3 | Maths Koyda Ukel 3

Hello friends, you must know about solving puzzles.  Your brain gets tired of solving various math puzzles and in the end you bring the answer to the puzzle .. With practice you will be able to solve it quickly .. This is an excellent exercise to do brain exercises .. So today we have new math puzzles.  Let's practice.

Earlier, health insurance companies had to make infrastructure investments and take the help of various brokers, agents and financial consultants to sell health insurance plans in India. The procedure was arduous and time consuming with reams of paperwork to boot.


Aek Bhai Pase Amuk Sankhya ma Marghi Ane Gheta o chhe. Temna Matha Ganvama aave to 25 Thay chhe,, Ane Pag Ganvama aave to 90 Thay chhe. To Te bhai Pase Ketli Marghi ane Ketla Gheta Hashe ??

However, in today's digital age, buying a health insurance plan is almost as easy as ordering a pizza online. The internet can provide you with a wealth of information regarding various health insurance plans, their features, benefits and also quick and simple tips on how to buy a health insurance plan online.

The process has evolved to become extremely efficient, transparent and cost-effective with minimal paperwork and intermediaries. So, the only question left is, how to apply for health insurance plan in India?

We are going to answer this question with a few steps that are guaranteed to help you select a health insurance plan that suits your needs.


20 Gheta , 5 Marghi

20 Gheta + 5 Marghi = 30 Matha 

20*4 = 80 Pag, 5*2= 10 pag

80+ 10 = 90 Pag.

1. Do Your Research

Most people who are looking to buy a health insurance plan either speak to family and friends or go online to look for the best-rated health insurance providers. There are also many forums on social media where real customers post their experiences regarding their interaction with health insurance companies, service quality, etc. which should give you a fair idea of which health insurance companies you should consider. 

2. Visit The Website

The websites of insurance providers are one of the best sources of information available about health insurance plans in India. All you need to do is take a look at the plan that suits your needs and take notes. After that, you can compare one policy with another to see which ones offer you more comprehensive coverage at a lower premium.

If this gets too confusing, many independent online agencies allow you to compare a plan before you zero in on a policy. Thus, you can access information about all prominent insurance providers and their plans in one place!

Maths Puzzel, Maths Koyda Ukel...